Surgical Success Stories - Boule & Lucy (#339 & #340)

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The doctors had the pleasure of operating on Boule, who is 45 and has had prolapse for the last four months. They were able to address her prolapse as well as tie her tubes as she is done with child bearing and getting pregnant again might cause her prolapse to return. She has six children and she was accompanied by her husband! Everyone has to wear masks now but they were able to coax her into taking her’s off for the photo.

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Dinkenesh (Lucy), who is 50, has dealt with her prolapse for over a year. She is divorced and was pregnant eight times but only has two living children. She is so glad to now be free of this problem!

A Powerful Pair: The making of Gems & Java Home Edition

Ever turned a 650-person fundraiser that takes 4,000 volunteer hours to produce into a totally virtual event?

Yeah, neither had we.

If you watched Gems & Java Home Edition, you know that it was a polished, professional, high-quality show that looked like a fundraiser produced by an organization with many more resources than ours!! We owe so much of that incredible result to a very generous pair of industry experts who helped to craft this virtual event from scratch.

Dave in his gorgeous home studio.

Dave in his gorgeous home studio.

Dave Wettlaufer, who owns River Valley Studio, and Bob Breen, owner of Armor Pro Audio Visual, are the dynamic duo that gave of their time and talent at a VERY discounted rate to help us create Gems & Java Home Edition.

“I grew up with the idea of helping to support people in other parts of the world. It’s something you do,” Dave told us.

“It’s something I really enjoy doing. Because I’m retired, I don’t have to extract every last dollar to try to live on.”

Dave had worked with us before, producing videos from an in-person Gems & Java event. We connected Bob and Dave and the dream team was born! They tell a funny story about the way they met, just recently, during the coronavirus pandemic. Bob was outfitting a church for digital services, and found that the facility was perfectly set up with audio hook-ups within the walls. It was a job done, years earlier, by Dave!

Bob Breen working the board.

Bob Breen working the board.

Bob was so tickled, he sent Dave an e-mail to say thanks.

“Fate and the good Lord put us together,” Bob said. “This is so fun.”

These two men spent hours and hours and hours filming, editing and producing our show to get it just right.

They don’t see it as a sacrifice. They were excited to contribute their services.

“It’s awesome to have the opportunity to use my talents - or whatever they are - to genuinely benefit somebody else,” Bob said. “It’s such a great organization because it is just people directly trying to make a difference in the most efficient way possible.”

“This is fun for us - in addition to all the things we believe are important about the work.”
— Bob Breen, producer

He was particularly drawn in by the low overhead costs of our organization, since we run 100% on volunteer power.

Dave said that was an appealing factor for him, too.

“You’re all volunteers. Not to denigrate any others, but some have pretty fancy buildings,” he said of other non-profit organizations.

Both Bob and Dave have spent their careers working with music and video. Dave owned a small business, and has seen several waves of technology - from cassettes to CDs to digital files!

Bob spent several years working in “big rock n’roll” scene in Los Angeles before he bought Armor Pro Audio Visual.

He worked on a David Lee Roth record and “had Motley Crue laugh at me when looking for adaptor cables,” Bob said with a chuckle.

Bob Breen

Bob Breen

Dave, who’s now retired, is a classic lifelong learner.

“It’s fun to learn new aspects of those things,” he said.

In addition to being talent professionals that donated their skills through greatly reduced rates, these two men are a joy to work with. They’re patient, flexible, and funny!

We could not have done Gems & Java Home Edition without Bob and Dave and we are beyond grateful for their support of our work.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Bob and Dave!!

Great radio, even better community support from Heart FM

Turn your radio dial to 104.7 FM.

We’ve seen 104.7 Heart FM in action for years now, and this is one community-minded station.

Heart FM has been a loyal supporter of our work for years, sharing updates online and helping to spread the word through the airwaves. The station was the media sponsor for Gems & Java Home Edition, the second consecutive year at that level of sponsorship.


We are so grateful for that dedication to give back. From interviews to stories to commercials, this kind of advertising and promotion means everything to a team like ours, which is run entirely by volunteers.


Check out this lively interview the station’s director Dan Henry did with our founder, Shelley Green.

Heart FM does great work in the Oxford County community, boosting so many worthy causes, and we feel so lucky to have this radio station supporting our work.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your contributions over the years, 104.7 Heart FM!

A decade of support from Green Private Wealth Counsel

Green Private Wealth Counsel is the definition of generous, loyal supporter - this Woodstock financial management firm has been in our corner for a decade!

Though the coronavirus pandemic changed our plans for Gems & Java, Green Private Wealth didn’t waver. The company was our presenting sponsor for the second year in a row, delivering a much-needed boost to our bottom line as we took our event virtual.

Paul Green, of Green Private Wealth Counsel, watches Gems & Java Home Edition on Oct. 30, 2020.

Paul Green, of Green Private Wealth Counsel, watches Gems & Java Home Edition on Oct. 30, 2020.

The firm’s Paul Green watched Gems & Java Home Edition and said he was really impressed. He promised his reflections weren’t biased by his close connection to the work (Paul’s sister Shelley is our founder!).

“Fantastic! Really great job on this production! Thanks to all who have helped connect me to the work and people Mothers With a Heart supports. I am so pleased to see the money I have given has an amazing impact on so many precious lives,” Paul said.

“Sincere thanks to all who make it possible for me to simply write a cheque and know its impact!”

He told us the virtual fundraiser was so high-quality, it could have been done by a much larger non-profit organization with national or international reach. What a compliment for our 100% volunteer team!

Thanks so much to Paul and the entire team at Green Private Wealth Counsel for the generous support and sponsorship.

Time & Talent: Val Easton's Singing Lessons

Val Easton sings when she walks. She sings when she is helping sort purses during our sort and clean preparation for Gems & Java. She sings! And, it is beautiful to hear.

So, when the call went out for our volunteers to find ways to use their talents to help raise funds for Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia, Val knew just what to do. Teach others to sing.

Val Easton is offering singing lessons to help raise money for our Time & Talent campaign.

Val Easton is offering singing lessons to help raise money for our Time & Talent campaign.

Val will teach one or two young people who want to learn to sing proudly and with confidence, honing their tone and tune. She will offer singing lessons on-line, or safely socially distanced in her basement. She was inspire by a young student she took under her wing during COVID-19 lock-down.

From April to the end of June, Val was teaching a seven year old over the internet three times a week. All the proceeds from this time frame were donated to Tesfa’s orphanage in Ethiopia. Val and her young student will continue, but there is room for at least one or two more students to blossom under Val’s cheery, positive guidance.

Inspired to do more, Val determined there are others ways she can convince her friends and family to support our fundraising efforts. Twice this summer, she has received a fee for cleaning the sheets and tidying up at the cottage after her son had been there with friends. He graciously paid his mom to take care of this necessary task, knowing the funds were supporting a good cause. It was a win-win for Val and her son, and more cash will be collected in the fall when he once again returns to the cottage. Good thinking Val!

Finally, Val is well known by her friends and family for her delicious cooking and hospitality. They are also very supportive of Val’s work for Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia. So, Val is offering to cook a fancy dinner for those inside her circle, safely distanced, hopefully served outside if the weather (and the bees) permits, for a generous fee. There may be a line up for this one, as a warm heart and a generous and gifted hand are always a winning combination.

Val has been a long-time volunteer at Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia. She believes in the good this organization does. She believes in the good people who are attracted to this work, and she has long been inspired by all they accomplish to help others.

Thanks Val Easton for inspiring us with your Time, and Talent.

Time & Talent: Shelley Green's Scones

Shelley and our innovative team of leaders spent lots of time brainstorming ways to help generate donations after the postponement of our flagship fundraiser, Gems & Java due to the pandemic. Many of our programs in Ethiopia rely heavily, if not entirely, on our organization’s financial support. Shelley was thinking about the depth of our volunteers, and fully believes that each of them has something unique and meaningful to offer others. “We all have that special thing we could share — our talents, our time, our caring hearts,” Shelley said. The invitation to all of us is to find our special talent and ask friends and family to support our efforts to raise funds for our children in Ethiopia, where every dollar makes a huge difference. 


Putting thought to action during the COVID-19 “Stay at Home” orders, Shelley, like so many of us, began practicing her baking skills. She holds childhood memories of her mother and her legal guardian perfecting a recipe for scones.  Sweet soft breading and plump raisins, Shelley wanted to continue the tradition, pushed onward by warm and comforting memories.  She began baking scones and delivering them to friends and family during our lock-down to bring love and comfort to their homes. When the concept of Gems & Java . . . Time & Talent was created, Shelley thought back to the comments of her family and friends who told her "your scones are the best I have had.”

She realized that she had something to share, something people enjoy, and thought, why not turn this into something good for the children in Ethiopia who are at real risk of food shortages during the pandemic?
Fitting it in with full-time work and Mothers volunteer work, she will set aside time on weekends to bake to order. 

Her fundraiser’s been dubbed "Shelley's Scones.” She will be sticking with a recipe that was shared by family, knowing practice makes perfect. As her list of friends and family wanting these tasty treats grows, her daughter, Julia, will be supporting the fundraising drive as the packager and assistant.  Who better to add some magic to the challenge!

If you would like to place an order for scones with Shelley, you can contact her at A dozen scones (which freeze beautifully) is $27.00. With Shelley's schedule, she will have a limit of 10 dozen available per week so don't wait, place your order now!!

Time & Talent: Patti McDonald's Bears

When Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia encouraged volunteers to ‘share our talents’ and to put a price on our homemade items, the first thing on Patti McDonald’s mind was how to re-activate the charm of those lovely theme bears she has been making since she retired two years ago.

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It was the response of medical personnel across this great country during the COVID-19 pandemic that sparked her imagination. Enter the “LOVE The Front Line Worker Bears.” These bears are carefully designed to honour all our family and friends who have been caught in the thick of the crisis.

The bears are made with medical gowns, face masks and medical gloves, and a giant-sized heart. Each bear can be customized to a certain degree, but yarn costs can be required in these cases. Knowing the hours of work these bears can take to create, Patti looked for inspiration from another charity program, and using their doll format to inspire her creativity, she created a much smaller Medical Worker Doll to help absorb some of the order volume and get product out there quickly.

These adorable little dolls are only six to eight inches in height, and so squeezable and cute. They, too, come with a large-sized heart attached to the doll’s gown. The response has been fabulous. The campaign has already raised more than $630!

You can see the cool selection of dolls available by searching for “Bear Fundraiser” by Patti McDonald on Facebook. The large bears sell for $35.00 and can take up to two weeks to produce after they’re ordered. The smaller dolls are going for $10.00, and have a one week lead time, based on order volume.

All volunteers are invited to use their imaginations and find creative ways to sell a product or a service to your friends and family. You can then donate the money you raise to Gems & Java Home Edition (cheques made out to DevXchange), and receive a tax receipt! It’s a wonderful way to share your time, and your talents, and do good at the same time. As Patti has shown us, just a little bit of creative fun, and multiple purposes are served — our frontline healthcare workers are honoured, and Mothers With a Heart for Ethiopia receives some much-needed funds to serve basic human needs in Ethiopia.

Time & Talent: Beth Phoenix's Quilts

Excitement and anticipation for the annual Gems & Java event was met with disappointment for Beth Phoenix when social gathering restrictions put a halt to the traditional annual fundraiser. When the call went out to our volunteers to imagine new ways to raise funds for programs in Ethiopia, Beth pulled out her sewing machine and began quilting.

Beth showing off a Harry Potter quilt.

Beth showing off a Harry Potter quilt.

After she retired eight years ago, Beth welcomed the chance to get back into the craft. She has always loved  to quilt, believing herself to be a quilter at heart. The art of making quilt tops and then machine quilting them has been a challenge for Beth, but the gorgeous finished product motivates her to keep honing her skills. And skilled she is, indeed.

Beth’s husband sits on the Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia board, and when the fundraising efforts of Gems & Java were threatened by COVID-19, he challenged his wife to use her skills to make something unique and beautiful to sell. Beth decided to donate two quilts with a Harry Potter theme. The Phoenix family has a deep a passion for all things Harry Potter. Wait until you see these quilts. They are amazing!

Beth, the magnificent quilter, tells us that “each of the quilts is machine pieced from 100% cotton fabric and they are both suitable for a double or single bed. The quilting was done on a longarm quilting machine so they are durable enough for frequent washings. Anyone who is a Harry Potter fan would love to add one of these quilts to their Harry Potter collection.”

Mothers with a Heart is near and dear to Beth’s heart and she has attended Gems & Java herself. Both Beth and her husband share a deep passion for our work funding programs to benefit women and children living in poverty in Ethiopia. Beth was excited to attend this year’s event and, like many of us, was saddened that the gathering had to be postponed. When news came out about the online auction, Beth knew it would be a great way to keep everyone involved as well as to raise much needed funds. 

We are anxious to see the excitement her Harry Potter quilts will generate!

Time & Talent: Jane Green's Baking

Jane Green loves to bake, and her friends and family love when she bakes, too.

When her church is raising funds for mission trips, people line up at the silent auction table just to get a bid in on Jane’s homemade pies. When she was first married, her aunt gave Jane a pastry cloth and a sock for her rolling pin, and that started her off. With a recipe for pastry handed down decades ago, Jane never worries if her pies will turn out well, and she has practiced and persevered through the years, making goodies that light up people’s eyes.


Her passion to support children and women, combined with her personal experiences in Ethiopia after three trips there with her daughter, Shelley, motivates Jane to use her home kitchen for a bake-to-order fundraiser. She has already raised $110 doing so. After all, there are people in Ethiopia who have held Jane’s hand, who have looked into her eyes. This is personal.  Jane knows that there are no social safety nets in Ethiopia like we have in Canada to keep people safe during a world pandemic. Food, shelter, medical care, all are in urgent need for people Jane knows and cares for.

It was hard to narrow down the selection of baked goods for friends and family who want to support her efforts, but Jane decided on these homemade offerings:

  • Dinner Rolls (made with butter and milk), 6 for $6

  • Gluten-free Relish (using a recipe handed down by her mother-in-law), 2 x 6 ounce jars for $10

  • Pumpkin Pies (with her renowned pastry recipe), an 8-inch round pie for $15

So, now the word is out.  Friends and family of Jane Green have been challenged! Help this loving lady on her quest to raise some funds for Ethiopia. Give her a call, send her an email, or just give her a shout if you see her! Her kitchen is ready to fill your belly with yummy goodness! And, for the right price, she just might veer off the above list for special orders if you have one. If the price is right!!

Way to go, Jane Green.