Great radio, even better community support from Heart FM

Turn your radio dial to 104.7 FM.

We’ve seen 104.7 Heart FM in action for years now, and this is one community-minded station.

Heart FM has been a loyal supporter of our work for years, sharing updates online and helping to spread the word through the airwaves. The station was the media sponsor for Gems & Java Home Edition, the second consecutive year at that level of sponsorship.


We are so grateful for that dedication to give back. From interviews to stories to commercials, this kind of advertising and promotion means everything to a team like ours, which is run entirely by volunteers.


Check out this lively interview the station’s director Dan Henry did with our founder, Shelley Green.

Heart FM does great work in the Oxford County community, boosting so many worthy causes, and we feel so lucky to have this radio station supporting our work.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your contributions over the years, 104.7 Heart FM!