Surgical Success Stories - Biranesh, Ezera & Marte (#320 to #322)

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Please meet Biranesh. Doesn't she have a lovely smile? She had severe prolapse for the past three years. She is married, was pregnant nine times and delivered six children. All of her children are living. She is so happy to no longer have her prolapse. This is such a valuable service that you are supporting!

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Ezera is 35 years old and has had her prolapse for three years. She is married and has six children, all of whom are still alive. She had to have a blood transfusion prior to her surgery.   but her surgery went well.

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Marte Mamo, who is 50 years old, has struggled with her prolapse for three years. Also like Ezera, she is married and was blessed with seven children, all of whom are still alive. Her surgery was performed and went extremely well. Thank you for your generosity that changes lives like Marte’s!

Appreciating Our Volunteers: Deb & Duane Griffith

To say that volunteerism is a family trait would perfectly describe Deb and Duane Griffith and their two adult children, Ashlee and Brent. The couple have dedicated much of their relationship in service to others in one capacity or another, and this desire to help is how Deb, and then Duane, got involved in Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia. Deb and Ashlee attended one the organization’s primary fundraisers, Gems & Java, way back when it was still held in an Innerkip church. Both mom and daughter were inspired by what they saw that day, and it wasn’t long before their passion and commitment to the organization gave Duane the nudge to join in, too.


The couple were born and raised in Woodstock, and have lived in the city their entire lives. Duane has retired from a 38-year career working for General Motors, lastly as a Lead Facility Manager, and Deb retired from Advertising/Sales consulting for The Oxford Shopping News where she worked for 25 years. Both bring a valuable skill set to their volunteer roles at Mothers. Deb is one of the members of the Gems & and Java Committee and the lead volunteer coordinator for the Bags N Bobbles Boutique. Duane works with Shelley on sponsorship and donations. He also provides muscle and brain power during setup and teardown for the big yearly event. They are involved with Mothers in some capacity year-round.

Deb and Duane credit Ashlee’s passion for the organization as the inspiration for their commitment. Once they were exposed to Shelley and her team, and witnessed for themselves the benefits this work can bring to women and children living far more challenging lives than any of us could imagine, they saw some good use for their retirement years. The couple know that here in Canada we are blessed with so much social and financial means at our disposal, and they truly appreciate how directly the efforts of this organization impact lives positively in Ethiopia. It is so gratifying to know all the money raised by this 100% volunteer-based group goes directly to projects we sponsor in Ethiopia.

When asked what they would say to anyone thinking of volunteering for Mothers With a Heart for Ethiopia, Duane responded:

“If we were in bad state for whatever reason, there are many groups/organizations we could turn to for assistance in Canada. Those groups we support in Ethiopia don’t have and never will have that luxury. It is very gratifying knowing we assisted young men/women and children in the six major projects Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia support. We truly make a difference in their lives.”

This work gives Deb and Duane something to work on together. They enjoy the friendships they have made and are lifted by knowing they are helping to really make a difference in lives of the less fortunate. They like to remind their friends that financial support is not the only way to support Mothers. There are so many roles that can be filled throughout the year and they promise, no matter which role you fill, you will be making a difference that matters

Appreciating Our Volunteers: Liz Wismer-Van Meer

Liz Wismer-Van Meer was born and raised in Woodstock. Her family have been in the community for over 70 years owning a number of local businesses, and they all share a deep love for this community. Liz married her high school sweetheart Mike; they have two children Addison & Quinten, their dog Trey (who they adopted two years ago) and their rabbit, Bun Buns, found in an abandoned parking lot. Liz loves being involved in the community; volunteering, working with and helping others, and giving back. Many of us came to know Liz in the time she worked with Heart FM on the morning show. She has since moved on to the not-for-profit world and is now the Resource Development Manager at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County.


Shelley Green shared her vision for this organization just shortly after she adopted her daughter Julia while Liz was working at Heart FM. Given Liz’s aptitude at speaking to large audiences, Shelley wondered if Liz would be interested in hosting our annual fundraiser, a task Liz gladly took on. Listening to Shelley tell her story, hearing about the experiences and dire conditions that so many women and children were living in, Liz felt called to help further. Soon after, Liz was signed up.  She currently holds the positions of Gems & Java Committee Member, and Gems & Java Silent Auction Committee Chair - two very busy and important roles for the team.

Liz is always moved by Shelley’s presentation at the annual Gems & Java fundraiser. Seeing the pictures, watching the videos, hearing the difference being made and seeing how far the funds being raised go motivates Liz to be involved. The first time she saw a video from the projects we are supporting was a complete eye-opener for her. There were women dancing, singing, and celebrating for things we would never consider a gift -- receiving W.R.A.P.S. (feminine hygiene products), a spice grinder so they can work, and surgery to repair a prolapsed uterus. Seeing young girls playing soccer, running, going to school and learning about healthy, active lifestyles…so many things we take for granted each and every day has truly changed how Liz views our lifestyles and the great opportunities we have simply because of the country we were born in. She realizes we are truly blessed.

She absolutely loves the amazing women and men she works with each and every year assisting in planning Gems & Java. There are many hours put into pulling this event together, but when you are in that room with a few hundred guests, seeing their emotions as they watch one of the videos for the first time and witness the difference their support is making in Ethiopia, it gives Liz goosebumps just thinking about it.  Many are moved to tears.  For Liz, just knowing that many lives are being changed because of the hard work and dedication of hundreds of volunteers here in Canada inspires her.

Liz believes future volunteers should check out the vision and mission of Mothers With A Heart For Ethiopia by checking out the website or Facebook; watch the videos, read about the projects we are supporting and hear the success stories. She would encourage anyone to take the opportunity to attend Gems & Java, even just once to see what it is all about. The beauty of this organization and the main event is there are so many ways to get involved and so many uses for a variety of talents and skill sets. Liz guarantees you will find something that works for you, and the difference you will make for the women and children in Ethiopia is truly life changing! Plus, there is an amazing group of volunteers to get to know. Volunteers like Liz Wismer-Van Meer.

Liz quotes Ghandi: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Appreciating Our Volunteers: Tracy Dunham

You might not realize how often the volunteer work of Tracy Dunham, mother to three adopted children from Ethiopia, is regularly impacting your awareness of our work through Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia. 

Tracy works on the Communications Team. The posts you see on social media, including the Prolapse Surgery updates, are managed by our communications team. Tracy gets such fulfilment when reading the stories of the work we are funding and feels intimately connected with those we serve. She gets to see and hear so much of what is going on, and she gets to know the names and faces of the people who are being impacted. In the four years she has been volunteering, she said “that is still my favourite part and keeps me motivated to stay involved.” Tracy is also a behind-the-scenes member of the Logistics Team for our flagship event, Gems & Java.

Volunteer Tracy Dunham is a pastor and an incredible musician and singer. (Also an amazing organizational and technological whiz!!)

Volunteer Tracy Dunham is a pastor and an incredible musician and singer. (Also an amazing organizational and technological whiz!!)

Tracy is a pastor to a church in Kitchener, Ontario, and along with her husband, is raising three teenaged kids.  She is passionate about organizing (anything), gourmet donuts, coffee, her husband’s culinary skills (she gets clean-up duty), and her faith.  She donates her valuable time to Mothers because of the simplicity and power of the organization. She tells us that “when we volunteer and money is raised for these projects, lives are changed one person at a time in ways that are obvious.” She also loves that we have incredible partners right in Ethiopia who are making a difference through their dedication to the children and women they serve.

When Tracy was asked what she would say to someone considering joining our volunteer team, she responded: 

“We all want our lives to count for something and sometimes wonder how to make that happen. Volunteering with MWAHFE means that you will not only be arm in arm with others who are making a difference, not only be working with an organization that strives for excellence in all things, but you’ll be in touch with the tangible results of your work as life after life is changed by the funds we raise. Win-win-win.”

If you volunteer alongside Tracy, you will come to know she works with passion and joy, and a great sense of fun. We are so glad that Tracy Dunham chose Mothers With a Heart for Ethiopia to dedicate her time, heart and passion for caring for others.

Surgical Success Stories - Berhanesh, Aruse & Abaynesh (#317 to #319)

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Berhanesh is 55 years old and widowed. She had seven children and only two have survived. She’s been dealing with her prolapse for the past three years but is now free from her prolapse!

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Aruse is a widow from a village who has experienced prolapse for three years. She delivered 12 children, nine of whom are still living. She is very happy to no longer have her prolapse.

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Abaynesh had severe prolapse. She has delivered six children, five of her children are still living. She is separated from her husband and has had prolapse for four years . She is very grateful to no longer suffer from this condition. Thank you very much for making a difference in her life.

Appreciating Our Volunteers: Pamela Pilon

Pamela Pilon can be described as a mother, teacher, friend, wife, and citizen of the global family.

Very quickly when talking with Pamela you will come to realize that she is passionate about thinking globally and acting locally.  She firmly believes we each play a role in global health, wealth and welfare, and she is aligned to act and make a difference. 

Volunteer Pamela Pilon handcrafting a cheese board.

Volunteer Pamela Pilon handcrafting a cheese board.

Pamela connects with the natural world in her woodworking shop fashioning her own design of cheese boards.  She can observe a piece of wood and see its natural personality and identity, and she finds the experience of creation very powerful.  This might be why she taught 14 of her students how to make their own boards.  The kids fashioned their boards, then sold the product to fund a field trip.  Pamela understands how empowering it is for the kids to go from raw product to experiential outcome from the product they created. 

This gifted artist also has a talent of making jewelry, and it was through her talents with crafting jewelry that Pamela was introduced to our organization, Mothers With a Heart for Ethiopia.  One of her students, Sarah Leuverink, had a parent involved with the organization from its birth, mother Kim, a long-time friend of founder, Shelley Green.  When a shipment of handmade necklaces arrived from Ethiopia with a design flaw rendering them unusable, Pamela was called upon to come up with a solution.  Problem solving is another one of her passions. 

So, a fix was developed, and Pamela was hooked.

Pamela volunteers on the Logistics Team, helping coordinate the setup and tear down activities of Gems & Java.  She absolutely loves how, in a busy life, her valuable volunteer time is utilized efficiently and effectively toward achieving the organization’s goals.  She decided to give MWAHFE her volunteer hours, because she sees everyone as global citizens, and she believes we are blessed to live where we live. She strongly believes we are duty-bound by our good fortune to share our riches and treasures, minds, materials and hearts with those less fortunate.  Pamela is inspired by the grass roots nature of this organization, and she values Shelley Green as a leader and visionary.  For Pamela, Shelley has a brilliant mind, is aware of the skills in others, and understands that there is power in numbers.  Group work makes magic happen.  This leader gets right in the muck, working along side the people she directs.  That’s inspiring to Pamela.

Pamela’s greatest joy comes on the days of our big fundraiser, Gems & Java.  When a first-time guest walks through the doors, and a look of amazement spreads across their face, Pamela’s soul sings.  She intimately knows that behind the glitz and glamour are countless hours of effort, coordination, sweat and grit to present a flawless event. 

Pamela does it all for that look of awe.  It hooks her time and again.

Appreciating Our Volunteers: Arlene Wells


When Arlene Wells’ daughter, Tracy, shared information about our organization, Mothers With A Heart for Ethiopia (MWAHFE), it was a natural draw for Arlene to step up and help out.  Arlene is the grandmother to three grandchildren adopted from Ethiopia by Tracy and her husband, and she has been to Ethiopia to see firsthand how great the need is in that country.  And step up she did. She has taken on the role of database coordinator for our team, keeping up-to-date records of volunteer contact information and other organizational details.

Arlene has been married for 45 years to a now retired Pastor whom she worked alongside in ministry. She has gone on several two-week humanitarian trips, bringing real time knowledge of how important work like MWAHFE is to these countries. When not spending time with her two amazing adult children and six grandkids, Arlene enjoys reading, running, and helping out wherever she is needed.

Arlene loves how MWAHFE partners with organizations in Ethiopia to help expand on the great work they are doing for children and woman in their homeland.  She finds it so inspiring and heartwarming to see the needs of so many met through our work.  She also admires the ‘sacrificial volunteer work that Shelley Green puts her life into as the director’ of MWAHFE.

The obvious love and care that Shelley and her team have for this work which serves real people with real needs is a testimony for Arlene that the people we serve are beloved individuals. She wants people considering volunteer work with us to know that “this is such a worthy organization. People’s lives, especially women and children, are being changed by the programs Mothers invests in. That’s worth any time and effort that you can give”.

Surgical Success Stories - Lagushe, Arabe & Abebech (#314 to #316)

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This is Lagushe. She delivered eight children and six of them are living. She has suffered for three years and now free from prolapse!

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Arabe was pregnant ten times and has delivered eight children, five of whom are still living. She has had prolapse for six years. Thank you so very much for making a big difference in her life!

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Abebech is 40 years old and married. She’s had prolapse for two years and had eight children, seven of whom are still alive. Today she is prolapse free!

Surgical Success Stories - Almaz, Alemitu & Deginesh (#311 to #313)

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Almaz has been pregnant four times and has two living children. Her prolapse was very serious and had the doctors concerned. But she did very well in surgery is so thankful to have this issue taken care of by our supporters and the great staff at Soddo Christian Hospital!

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Alemitu is 40 years old and married. She gave birth to three children and two are still alive. She’s been suffering from her prolapse for one year and today is prolapse free. Her surgery went very well and she made a quick recovery.

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Deginesh is 45 years old. She’s suffered from her prolapse for the last 10 years and was finally able to be cured today. She was pregnant seven times and gave birth to four children who are all still alive. She’s so happy to be free of her prolapse!

A Special Group Home Meeting

A very special Group Home sponsor came to Ethiopia with us during this trip and we can’t wait to show you some of the cute moments that ensued!

Our board member Lisa is the Canadian supporter making it possible for our Group Home boys and Group Home mom, Mulu, to enjoy the love of a pet! Buchi is teaching these young men about the unconditional love that comes from a furry family member, in a country where it’s not too common to have a dog as a pet.


It was so fun to see Buchi meet his sponsor for the first time. And it was obvious right away that these two have a bond, despite being more than 12,000 kilometres apart! (We promise we’re not being cheesy - Buchi flocked to Lisa right away and barely left her side! It was a night full of cuddles!)

Come along to Ethiopia, to our Grome Home, to one of Lisa and Buchi’s very first meetings!!