Appreciating Our Volunteers: Arlene Wells


When Arlene Wells’ daughter, Tracy, shared information about our organization, Mothers With A Heart for Ethiopia (MWAHFE), it was a natural draw for Arlene to step up and help out.  Arlene is the grandmother to three grandchildren adopted from Ethiopia by Tracy and her husband, and she has been to Ethiopia to see firsthand how great the need is in that country.  And step up she did. She has taken on the role of database coordinator for our team, keeping up-to-date records of volunteer contact information and other organizational details.

Arlene has been married for 45 years to a now retired Pastor whom she worked alongside in ministry. She has gone on several two-week humanitarian trips, bringing real time knowledge of how important work like MWAHFE is to these countries. When not spending time with her two amazing adult children and six grandkids, Arlene enjoys reading, running, and helping out wherever she is needed.

Arlene loves how MWAHFE partners with organizations in Ethiopia to help expand on the great work they are doing for children and woman in their homeland.  She finds it so inspiring and heartwarming to see the needs of so many met through our work.  She also admires the ‘sacrificial volunteer work that Shelley Green puts her life into as the director’ of MWAHFE.

The obvious love and care that Shelley and her team have for this work which serves real people with real needs is a testimony for Arlene that the people we serve are beloved individuals. She wants people considering volunteer work with us to know that “this is such a worthy organization. People’s lives, especially women and children, are being changed by the programs Mothers invests in. That’s worth any time and effort that you can give”.