Bekelech is 40 years old with a husband and four very active children! She suffered for four years before going to Soddo Christian Hospital for care and support. She is now home and prolapse free.
Shilote is 55 years old and has given birth to 11 children, six of whom are still alive. She's widowed and her prolapse has been bothering her for the last year. She is now free of her prolapse.
Tereza is 45 years old and has been trying to deal with her prolapse for three years. She's married with six children and has gone home a changed woman.
Almaz is 60 years old and married with four children after giving birth to eight. Her prolapse had become quite severe over the past three years but that is a problem of the past now!
Almaz is 48 years old and lives with her husband and five children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past year. Thank you for helping her!
Kife is 60 years old and has suffered with prolapse for the past year. She's widowed with seven children after giving birth to 10. She is now prolapse free!
Farenje is 60 years old. She has eight children and LOTS of grandchildren. She's widowed and her prolapse has been an issue for the past three years until now!
Ayilke is 44 years old and widowed. She has been dealing with prolapse for a little less than a year. She is raising four children and is now home and free from prolapse!
Shashige is 60 years old and has eight children. She's widowed and had been suffering from prolapse for over four years. She is now a free woman!
Amarech is 55 years old and widowed. Although she gave birth to 10 children and sadly only one is still living. She first noticed her prolapse around three years ago but is now home and recovering from surgery.