Bizunesh is 45 years old and married with five children. Her prolapse had been a problem for the last year but she is now prolapse free!
Dalote has delivered seven children of whom six are still living. She had suffered from prolapse for four years. She was able to pay for her laboratory testing but could not afford her surgery. It was wonderful being able to assist her with this.
Faranji delivered six children and all are living! She had prolapse surprisingly for only three months but it was quite significant. Thank you for your generosity!
Bazore has delivered nine children and only six are still living. She had severe prolapse for eight years but thanks to you, she is now free of her prolapse!
Ayanate has suffered with prolapse for one year. She is a widow who has delivered nine children, with ony three now living. She is very grateful to no longer have to put up with prolapse.
Meaza is married and was pregnant five times, delivering four children at term and one at five months. Three of her children are still living. She has had prolapse for three months but it is now gone.
Amone has delivered eight children and six of them are living. She is married and Interestingly, she stated she had had her prolapse for only five weeks however her prolapse was very severe and looked like it had been bothering her for a long time.
This patient lives very far away from Soddo Christian Hospital with her husband and five children. Her prolapse had only been bothering her for four months but had become quite severe. She’s now back at home resting.
Asret is 35 years old and married with six children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for eight months and is now behind her.
Abebech is 35 years old and married with seven children after giving birth to nine. She shockingly told the doctors that her prolapse had been bothering her for 15 years and she came to the hospital after she was done having babies. We can proudly tell you that she is now free from her prolapse.