Abbech is 55 years old and widowed with eight children after having given birth to nine. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past four years but is now a thing of the past.
Aynelem is widowed and has given birth to eight children with five of them surviving. She’s had prolapse for over three years and had to wait for surgery while she became healthy enough for it but she is healing at home now!
Alum is 50 years old, and has a husband and six children. She first noticed her prolapse just 6 months ago but it quickly became quite severe. She is grateful to be recovering from successful surgery now!
Amarech is 45 years old and widowed. She gave birth to eight children but sadly, only five are still alive. Her prolapse emerged two years ago but is now a thing of the past.
Endele is 55 years old, widowed and lives with her six children (after giving birth to eight). Her prolapse had been bothering her for about 3 years but is now behind here as she looks forward to a future without prolapse and all of the difficulties that that brought.
Wope is married with six children and she’s suffered from prolapse for the last five of her 40 years on this earth. But she is now prolapse-free and has gone home to rejoin her family.
Tefera gave birth to eight children with four still alive and she first noticed her prolapse about one year ago. Her surgery went very smoothly and she was able to go home shortly afterward.
Kupe gave birth to eight children and she has six living. She had been dealing with her prolapse for three years. She’s recovering nicely from surgery and is now back at home.
Bekelech is 50 years old and widowed. She had six children and five of them are still living. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the last year and a half but she is now prolapse-free!