Central School's Family Fun Day
Heather McKinnon (right) and her student helper, Hailey (left)
Heather McKinnon with her student helper, Hailey, sold jewelry and scarves at Central School's Family Fun Day on October 1, 2016. They also provided information about Mothers With A Heart For Ethiopia to the attendees. Thank you Heather and Hailey!
Huron Park Secondary School's PRO Group, Woodstock
Under the direction of Kathy Worrall, the PRO (People Reaching Out) Group at Huron Park Secondary School raises funds to support charities including the local Food Bank, Free The Children, United Way and, of course, Mothers With A Heart For Ethiopia. In the past they have done bottle drives, sold lollipops on Valentine’s Day and sold snacks and drinks at school events. During the 2015-2016 school year they raised a total of $1600 and were able to donate $500 of that money to MWAHFE. In the 2016-2017 school year, they sold jewellery and did a bake sale to raise $435 for our projects in Ethiopia.
Thank you so much PRO Group! You are an inspiration!
St. Jude’s Catholic School, Ingersoll
The students sold 75 necklaces and raised almost $2000.00 to buy leather shoes for students at Gallo Shanto School. Kids, helping kids!
It is so important that our young recognize how fortunate they are to be born in Canada, and share their good fortune with the children of Ethiopia. Thank you St. Jude's!
Purse and Jewelry Party
One of our wonderful volunteers came up with a fantastic way to generate support for our organization. Jenny DeHaan decided to hold an open house where she offered some of our jewelry and scarves (along with other items from other organizations) in a gorgeous display. Her guests looked through the scarves and jewelry while learning about Gems & Java. A draw ticket was offered towards a beautiful door prize for every purchase made.
Jenny would be willing to help any of our volunteers out there who might want to spread the word about Mother’s With A Heart for Ethiopia in this way. She is a shining example of the quality of people who work tirelessly, with love, to make what we do matter.
Jenny said, “I LOVE this group and what they are doing for women and children of Ethiopia.” And, Jenny, WE LOVE YOU for your hard work and for offering this GREAT idea on how to spread the word about our organization.
Springbank Public School, Woodstock
Teachers lead! Our organization is so blessed to have teachers in our community using our cause to help educate our children about the important and life-changing values of charity and compassion. Springbank Public School has now joined the ranks of other schools who are supporting Mother’s with a Heart for Ethiopia.
A concert was held with the school choir. The school also had a silent auction and sold t-shirts in advance printed with the four best posters created for Mothers With a Heart for Ethiopia. The money raised from all these activities went directly to support Gallo Shanto School and children the same age as these students.
An adopted child from Ethiopia attends Springbank Public School. Her class made ribbon heart pins and heart bracelets to sell for $1 and their teacher displayed them with our necklaces, scarves and jewelry to sell during education week. The money raised is going to be split between blankets, tarps and shoes for Ethiopian kids living in the streets.
Another teacher who attended Gems & Java started a Loom Bracelet Club and they will sell them for shoes for children in Ethiopia. Look at these kids and their wonderful teachers go!
These events raised over $2,000.00 for Mothers With A Heart For Ethiopia.
Here is Jared's story in his own words...
"Hi my name is Jared. I have an amazing story to tell you. I was at my cottage on Labour Day weekend. My friend Brian said he would give me $10 to go towards my favourite charity if I put my hair up in a ponytail like babies do. Ten minutes later I came out with my hair in a ponytail. He ended up giving me $20. But the great part was that other people gave me money too - so I did a fundraiser for four days. My goal was $200. By the end of the weekend I had hit my goal and went over. In all I raised $215. I was so happy. This gave me a chance to make a difference for the children in Gallo Shanto School and educate Canadians about Ethiopia. I gave all the money to Mothers With a Heart for Ethiopia."
Way to go, Jared!
Turning 60
Below is a letter we received from one of our volunteers who used her 60th birthday to do good for others. Thank you, Val.
“I love having a big fuss about being older! Sixty was the best yet – a grand party with family and friends, a chance to see the important people in my life. Reflecting on my blessings always leads me to sadness about the struggles of so many in the world, so it makes sense to me to request gifts for those who really need them. We raised $570 thanks to my friends and family! Mothers With A Heart For Ethiopia is all about family and friends. I heard Shelley speak back in January and I was inspired by the work she has done. It is practical and vital and immediate. When I wear my beads from Ethiopia I feel a connection with the women who made them. I am proud to be a volunteer with this fine organization.”
- Val Easton