Meselech Ashango (521)
Meselech is married. She’s 40 years old and has had 7 children, six of whom are still living. She is now prolapse free!

Dinbabe Shigago (522)
Dinbabe is 45 years old, married and has had six children. Sadly only three are still living. She was brought by her oldest daughter who took excellent care of her. After three years of suffering, she is now free of her prolapse.

Etiye Hawore (523)
Etiye is over sixty years old and has been struggling with prolapse for the past year. She’s widowed with seven children and is now at home, free from her prolapse.

Adise Asale (524)
Adise is 45 years old with five living children after giving birth to seen. She has had her prolapse for three years and is now free from it. Thank you for helping her!

Samane Sagna (525)
Samane has ten children and is 40 years old. Her prolapse has been bothering her for two years and it is now in the past!

Ayelech Tomato (526)
Ayelech is 35 years old with three children. She has been suffering with her prolapse for four years and it is now a thing of the past!

Demekech Dano (527)
Demekech is 40 years old and has six children. She had been suffering with prolapse for three years but is now home and prolapse free.

Meaza Tura (528)
Meaza is 60 years old with four children. She is widowed and her prolapse has been a problem for four years. She is now prolapse free!

Ashike Ena (529)
Ashike is forty years old and has one child. She is married and over the past three years her prolapse has gotten very severe. She was able to have a minor procedure done to prepare her for another surgery down the road. We will see her name again as she is on the road to healing.

Alemitu (530)
Alemitu is 35 years old, has six children and is married. Her prolapse was severe but is now healed and she is back at home.

Bekelech is married and has six children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for three years but is now gone and she is healing!

Asenakech is only 35 but has eight children. Her prolapse has been bothering her for four years but is now in the past.

Zenabech is 55 years old and has had a challenging life. She’s widowed and five of her eight children have passed away. Despite the pain that life has brought her over these years, she is now free from her prolapse which has been bothering her for the past six years.

Berehanesh is married with four children. Her prolapse has been bothering her for the past year and it had become quite severe. The team did a great job and now she’s prolapse-free and beginning the healing process.

Fanay is 38 years old, married, and has six children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the last two years and it is now a thing of the past.

Belaynesh is 40 years old, married and has seven children. For the past year she has been dealing with her prolapse but is now prolapse-free.

Ayelech had nine children but sadly, only three are still alive. She is married and her prolapse had been bothering her for the past year, but no more!

Awashe is 68 years old and widowed after giving birth to 10 children. She is now free of her prolapse!

Awashe is 50 years old, has 12 children and is widowed. She had her surgery and is recovering nicely.

Ayelech is 40 years old, married and has six children. She was excited to have her surgery and get home to her family as soon as possible!

Abbech is 55 years old and widowed with eight children after having given birth to nine. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past four years but is now a thing of the past.

Aynelem is widowed and has given birth to eight children with five of them surviving. She’s had prolapse for over three years and had to wait for surgery while she became healthy enough for it but she is healing at home now!

Alum is 50 years old, and has a husband and six children. She first noticed her prolapse just 6 months ago but it quickly became quite severe. She is grateful to be recovering from successful surgery now!

Bizunesh is 40 years old with a husband and seven children. She is now prolapse free!

Amarech is 45 years old and widowed. She gave birth to eight children but sadly, only five are still alive. Her prolapse emerged two years ago but is now a thing of the past.

Endele is 55 years old, widowed and lives with her six children (after giving birth to eight). Her prolapse had been bothering her for about 3 years but is now behind here as she looks forward to a future without prolapse and all of the difficulties that that brought.

Wope is married with six children and she’s suffered from prolapse for the last five of her 40 years on this earth. But she is now prolapse-free and has gone home to rejoin her family.

Tefera gave birth to eight children with four still alive and she first noticed her prolapse about one year ago. Her surgery went very smoothly and she was able to go home shortly afterward.

Kupe gave birth to eight children and she has six living. She had been dealing with her prolapse for three years. She’s recovering nicely from surgery and is now back at home.

Bekelech is 50 years old and widowed. She had six children and five of them are still living. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the last year and a half but she is now prolapse-free!

Ayinalem is 49 years old with her husband still living. She gave birth to six children, five of them still living. Her three-year struggle with prolapse is now over and she has gone home a new woman.

Nature is a widow who has delivered six children, five of whom are still alive. She had suffered from her prolapse for six years and needed some additional medical intervention due to its severity. She is now free from prolapse and doing very well.

Tadelech is married and has eight children with all of them still alive! Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past year and is now gone.

Felekech is 40 years old and lives with her husband and six children. Her prolapse was first noticeable six months ago and her surgery went very smoothly.

Layisare lives with her husband and six children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past year and is now a thing of the past.

Sara is 45 years old and married with six children. Her surgery went very well and she was able to get home in time to celebrate the Ethiopian New Year!

Aykale is 52 years old, has five children and is widowed. Her prolapse first started bothering her about three years ago but she’s now free from those issues and able to live a more full life!

Aster is a 40-year-old woman who has given birth to five children but only two have survived. She’s widowed and noticed her prolapse about three years ago. We love her smile!

Meselech is only 35 years old and has five children and a husband at home. She needed more extensive surgery but it went well and she is now recovering at home.

Bizunesh is 55 years old, married and has eight children at home. Her prolapse had been bothering her for seven years but is now behind her!

Tadelech is 55 years old and has five children living after giving birth to seven. She’s married and is now recovering from successful surgery after having prolapse for three years.

Eshale is widowed with six children and after living with prolapse for three years she is no longer burdened by it!

Belaynesh is 45 years old, has been pregnant six times and suffered with prolapse for a year. She is now prolapse-free thanks to your financial support.

Elfinesh is 45 years old, has been pregnant six times and suffered with prolapse for a year. She is now prolapse-free. Thank you for making such a dramatic change in her life.

Askale is a widow who has delivered five children and three are still living. Don't you just love her smile? She had suffered from prolapse for 3 years and is now prolapse-free!

Meseret hasdelivered six children and all of them are living. Her youngest is only a year old and she is still nursing. Her prolapse has been present for 6 months and has now had successful surgery to correct it.

Talgóre is a widow who has six children. Until now she had suffered with prolapse for three long years. Thank you for helping to change her life!

Demekech is 38 years of age. She has been pregnant eight times and six of her children are still living. She has suffered from significant prolapse for 10 years. She no longer has this condition thanks to you!

Deligite has seven children and has complained of prolapse for three years, which actually turned out to be a cystocele. She also no longer has this problem. Thank you!

Serawit has been pregnant nine times and delivered eight children; seven of them are still living. She has suffered for three years until the doctors helped her and corrected her prolapse.

Masikele is 45 years old and tells the doctors that she has had her prolapse for three months. She has been pregnant eight times and delivered 8 children, all of whom are still living. She was operated on by the team and everything went well with her surgery.

Ayelech is 35 years old and has suffered from prolapse for two years. She had delivered five children, four of whom are living. She is now prolapse free!

Worke has had a rough life. She is a widow and has suffered from severe prolapse for over five years. She has been pregnant six times but only has two living children. She is so grateful to you for helping her restore her dignity. Thank you.

Asegedech is married and had suffered from severe prolapse for three years until her surgery. She had been pregnant three times and delivered two children and those children are still living! We are so thankful to you for making it possible for these women to enjoy life and their families.

Adanech has the happiest smile! She is married and has suffered from severe prolapse for three years. She delivered 12 children and 10 are still living. She also had some extra bladder problems which required surgical attention. She is no longer suffering from her prolapse. Thank you for giving her a new lease on life!

Bantale was a very unusual patient in that she never married and never gave birth. She is so thrilled not to be dealing with this prolapse anymore. Thank you so very much for helping her.

Bantale, who is no longer living with her husband, has suffered from prolapse for four years. She delivered five children and four of them are still living.

Mengiste is 35 years old and married with five children. Her prolapse first presented itself back when she was only 30 and progressed over that time. She’s now home and recovering from a great surgery.

Zewditu is only 30 and married with five children. Her prolapse had just begun but instead of waiting she came in and is now prolapse-free and healing at home as well.

Tarikuwa is 50 years old with eight living children after giving birth to nine. She’s widowed and her prolapse had been bothering her for the past six months. Thank you for helping her!

Bizunesh is 45 years old and married with five children. Her prolapse had been a problem for the last year but she is now prolapse free!

Dalote has delivered seven children of whom six are still living. She had suffered from prolapse for four years. She was able to pay for her laboratory testing but could not afford her surgery. It was wonderful being able to assist her with this.

Faranji delivered six children and all are living! She had prolapse surprisingly for only three months but it was quite significant. Thank you for your generosity!

Bazore has delivered nine children and only six are still living. She had severe prolapse for eight years but thanks to you, she is now free of her prolapse!

Ayanate has suffered with prolapse for one year. She is a widow who has delivered nine children, with ony three now living. She is very grateful to no longer have to put up with prolapse.

Meaza is married and was pregnant five times, delivering four children at term and one at five months. Three of her children are still living. She has had prolapse for three months but it is now gone.

Amone has delivered eight children and six of them are living. She is married and Interestingly, she stated she had had her prolapse for only five weeks however her prolapse was very severe and looked like it had been bothering her for a long time.

Surgery Recipient
This patient lives very far away from Soddo Christian Hospital with her husband and five children. Her prolapse had only been bothering her for four months but had become quite severe. She’s now back at home resting.

Asret is 35 years old and married with six children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for eight months and is now behind her.

Abebech is 35 years old and married with seven children after giving birth to nine. She shockingly told the doctors that her prolapse had been bothering her for 15 years and she came to the hospital after she was done having babies. We can proudly tell you that she is now free from her prolapse.

Worke has been pregnant eight times and delivered five children, four of whom are still living. She had her prolapse for one year and she is so grateful to no longer have it!

Dapasa has been pregnant 11 times. Four of her children have died and she is left with seven children. Her prolapse had lasted more than three years but she is now free of this problem!

Elfinesh originally came to the doctors a few months ago after suffering with her prolapse for more than two years. They had to cancel her surgery due to some other medical issues. But, after months of waiting she finally received her surgery! You can tell by the smile on her face she was so happy about the news! She’s widowed with four children and now has a new outlook on life.

Shulale is 60 years old and married with eight children. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past year but she is now recovering at home after successful surgery.

Made is 50 years old, has four children and is widowed. After three years of suffering with prolapse, she is now free and recovering well.

Alimaz is married with four children and had some complications with her surgery due to other medical issues. However, the team at Soddo Christian Hospital worked hard to get her on the road to a full recovery!

Manana is married and has six children after giving birth to nine. Her surgery went very well - thank you for helping her!

Janame is 70 years old and has suffered from prolapse for two years. She is a widow who has delivered six children, all of whom are living. She is so pleased that she no longer has to live with prolapse!

Danama is widowed and has given birth to three children (two are still living). She had prolapse for three years but is now free from this issue!

Albute has delivered ten children and nine are still living. She had severe prolapse for the last three months but now you have helped her to have her dignity restored.