Surgical Success Stories

Surgical Success Stories - Meselch & Gete (#342 & #343)

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Meselch is 50 years old, married and has five children. She’s had her prolapse for two years and that amazing smile has definitely grown even bigger after her successful surgery!

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Gete is also 50 years old. She has been pregnant 10 times and has eight living children. She suffered from her prolapse for three years but is now prolapse free.

Surgical Success Stories - Boule & Lucy (#339 & #340)

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The doctors had the pleasure of operating on Boule, who is 45 and has had prolapse for the last four months. They were able to address her prolapse as well as tie her tubes as she is done with child bearing and getting pregnant again might cause her prolapse to return. She has six children and she was accompanied by her husband! Everyone has to wear masks now but they were able to coax her into taking her’s off for the photo.

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Dinkenesh (Lucy), who is 50, has dealt with her prolapse for over a year. She is divorced and was pregnant eight times but only has two living children. She is so glad to now be free of this problem!

Surgical Success Stories - Adise & Alane (#337 & #338)

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Adise states that she’s 35 and had six children, all of whom are alive. She had very severe prolapse that she had suffered with for three years. She’s still married and everyone lives together. Her surgery went very smoothly and she’s been given a new lease on life. Thank you!

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From Dr. Nate on June 2, 2020: “I know it’s been a troubling time for so many people. With the pandemic and now all of the racial issues and riots throughout America, it’s just a very heavy time for us all.  That’s why I think everyone will immediately smile when they see the picture of Alane today! She was SO excited to come in yesterday to be evaluated for her prolapse and to find that we could help her with surgery!! She is 65 (at least) and has six children. Her marital story is a little complicated by the fact that her husband has 4 other wives and she is the 5th. She has great joy in the children and grandchildren that God has blessed her with. She’s suffered from her prolapse for the past 1.5 years and is now prolapse free! She’s recovering and should be traveling back home on Thursday. As you can tell from her photo she is a beautiful fun woman!”

Surgical Success Stories - Amarech & Ukume (#335 & #336)

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Amarech is 55 and married. Incredibly, she has given birth to 11 children and eight are still alive. She’s had her prolapse for one year.  You probably noticed the large skin tag that she has on her forehead. The doctors asked if she would like it removed during the surgery and she said, “Yes!”  So they were able to take care of that as well during the case and she is recovering and doing nicely!

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Ukume is 65 years old. She is widowed and have given birth to 10 children, eight of whom are still alive. She’s had her prolapse for one year and it had become very severe. Her surgery went very smoothly and she’s now recovering and should be able to return to her family very soon.

Surgical Success Stories - Gurushe & Danite (#333 & 334)

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This is Gurushe who is a 65-year-old widow. She’s had her prolapse for one year and it had become very severe over that time. She has four children and they are all still alive and doing well. She was so happy to have her prolapse finally corrected!

Danite had been experiencing her symptoms for about five months before she saw the doctors. She has six children and all of them are still alive as well. She is doing well after surgery - thank you for your support!

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Surgical Success Stories - Desalech & Azabech (#331 & 332)

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This is Desalech who is 45 years old. She’s married and gave birth to nine children, six of whom are still alive. She’s been suffering from her prolapse over the past three years and is now prolapse free!

The doctors had the privilege of operating on Azabech. She’s only 35 but had developed fairly severe prolapse over a short period of time. She actually came in accompanied by her husband which was wonderful, but somewhat unusual for the prolapse patients. If they have a husband he usually stays at home and works while he awaits her return. They have five children together and they are all alive and healthy. Thank you for helping Azabech!

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Surgical Success Stories - Almaz & Tadelech (#329 & 330)

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Almaz is 50 years old. She is widowed and lives with one of her four living children after having given birth to seven. She also had severe prolapse that she’s had for two years and is now prolapse free!

Tadelech is 45 years of age. She came from a little further away than some of the other patients and arrived with her daughter who was able to translate into her tribal language. She has six children and they are all still living. She lives with her husband as well as some of the children. Even though she only noticed her prolapse 8 months ago, it became extremely severe in that short course of time. As of this afternoon she is prolapse free and a changed woman!

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Surgical Success Stories - Sirate, Azalech & Kebebush (#326 to #328)

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Sirate is 50 years old. She gave birth to nine children and they are all still alive. She has had her prolapse for one year and today is prolapse free and recovering!

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Azalech, who is 40 year old, had suffered from her prolapse for the last three years. She has seven children and all of them are still living. She did extremely well in surgery and is now resting and recovering.

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This is Kebebush and she thinks that she is 40 years old. She had six children and five are still alive. She’s married but she has been estranged from her husband for a long time. She had very severe prolapse that she’s had for a year and she is now prolapse free by the grace of God and your generous support and help.

Surgical Success Stories - Alemaz, Talgora & Mulunesh (#323 to #325)

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This sweet woman is Alemaz and she is 50 years old. She is married with six living children after having given birth to eight.  She’s been suffering from her prolapse fo the last 10 years and today is prolapse free!

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Talgora is 55 years old. She had very severe prolapse that had troubled her for three years. She is widowed and lives with one of her two children that survived after giving birth to six others. She seemed to be literally smiling the whole time that she was at the hospital. She was so grateful for the care that she received a few weeks ago and for her care during this stay.

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This is Mulunesh who says she’s 46 but she looks much younger than that to us! She had four children and they are all alive. She had very, very severe prolapse that she’s suffered with for 2 years. She had difficulty sitting because of it and the surgery took quite a while but the doctors were able to successfully help her!