Tadelesh, who is 55 years old, has seven children and they are all still living. She is widowed and lives with two of her children. She had suffered with her prolapse for four years before coming to see the doctors. She is now on the road to recovery.
This woman is Adanesh who is 45 and had suffered from her prolapse for 15 years before going to Soddo Christian Hospital.. She has three children and is widowed.
Dr. Nate says: “One of our interns who is working with us for the summer originally saw her in one of the outlying clinics and then she saw her again in the operating room to observe her surgery. When Adanesh saw her again in the operating room she was SO excited to see a familiar face and was grinning from ear to ear as she received her spinal anesthesia. She was literally smiling every time I saw her in the hospital and went home Thursday a changed woman!”
Desalech is 50 years old and has three living children after giving birth to seven. She’s also widowed and has suffered from her prolapse for eight years. She went home a very happy woman.
Shagite is married and has gave birth to ten children, seven of whom are still alive. Although she had only had prolapse for one year she had a very severe case and had a successful surgery!
Meselech is 40 and has given birth to eight children, seven of whom are still alive. She is also married and, like Shagite, had only had prolapse for one year but her case was very advanced as well. Her surgery was the most challenging but by the grace of God it went well and she is recovering on the ward. Thank you for making such a difference in her life!