We work to support five main projects:
Prolapsed Uterus Surgeries
Girls Gotta Run
Tesfa’s Shelter
Gems & Java is our main fundraising event each year. It features purses, jewelry, coffee, desserts, live music and a silent auction. You will get a chance to hear about what MWAHFE is supporting and how you can get involved. Join us!
Find details for our events here...
Gems & Java →
A Walk in Their Shoes →
Mini Gems & Java →
volunteers & supporters
This organization is completely run by volunteers! We would love for you to meet them and see how you can get involved.
Our donors, sponsors and board make our events and projects a reality so that lives can be changed in Ethiopia. Say hello!
Become a Team Tesfa sponsor and provide a child with shelter, food, clothing, educational supplies, medical care, security and a family. Tesfa's Shelter in Harar, Ethiopia is home to 92 children who were without family or family who could care for them. As a sponsor, you will be changing a life and touching the heart of a child. You will be helping to ensure they have all they need - not only quality of life but also a hope for the future. LEARN MORE…